General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR & You

GDPR is a legislation which came into force in 2015. This legislation is concerned with the way private data belonging to EU and UK citizens is collected, used, stored and shared. This legislation states that individuals must be given a clear right to 'opt in' or 'opt out'. This means that consumers have the right to know how their personal information is being used, shared and stored.

At the point of your inital contact with me I will be taking personal information from you. This information is kept to a minimum. If we continue to work together this information will be stored by me electronically in a password protected tablet and in a locked filing cabinet. Your telephone & email contact information will be stored on a password protected telephone.

Your contact information will be shared with a therapeutic executor in case of emergency.

Data Storage

Your identifiable data will be stored in a locked filing cabinet and destroyed one month after our working contract has ended.

Any identifiable information kept electronically will held for as long as the working contract is in practice. Once counselling has ended your informaion will be deleted after one month.

Record keeping

I will make anonymised records of our sessions and session notes which will be stored in a locked filing cabinet. These session notes may be shared with my clinical supervisor from time to time to maintain an ethical working practice and in line with BACP guidelines. These session notes will be kept for 7 years from the termination of our working contract.

Amanda Cockram is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICS).